1 aug 2022

In order to raise awareness of the population

In order to raise awareness of the population, information meetings were held in the jamoats of Khistevarz and Khaidar Usmonov, in Bobochon Gafurov district. The topic of the meetings was "Ways to prevent domestic violence" and "The role of women in society", which is very relevant in today's life. During the information meeting, the project staff spoke about the project activities, its goals and objectives. Also, they provided information on ways to prevent domestic violence with examples and discussed the role of women in our society.
This event is held by PO "ASTI" with the support of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe

Other news

28 apr 2017

Come on, girls!

On April 28, an event called “Come on, girls!” took place at the school No. 24 in Khojai Alo village of Isfara town with the participation of girls from neighboring countries. The initiators of the event greeted the guests with Kyrgyz songs and dances as a symbol of lasting friendship of Tajiks and Kyrgyz.

1 jan 1970

Ҷавонон асосҳои журналистикаро омӯхтанд

Дар тренинг мо навиштани матни журналистӣ, аксбардорӣ, сабт ва коркарди аудиову видеоро омӯхтем. Дар баробари ин, аз рисолати бузурги журналист ва одоби касбӣ огоҳ шудем. Хушҳолам, ки минбаъд мо метавонем ҷамъомадҳои ду кишварро, ки дар деҳаамон доир мешаванд инъикос намоем.

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