18 oct 2015

Training for trainers (TOT) in Bahoriston

The first component of the project "Peace begins with us" supported by UNICEF organized a five-day training for trainers in Bahoriston from 14-18 October 2015.

In training the youth were invited from various villages of Jamoat and two target areas, B. Gafurov and Isfara.

The training began with a welcoming speech, the coordinator of the project Rakhmonov T. provided with general information about the project "Peace begins with us." Then participants informed the goals and objectives of the training.

Gathering expectations from the training was carried out through the exercise "Tree of expectations." In the course of its implementation, participants would have to tell what they expect from five-day training.

Among the expectations of the vast majority of the participants wrote that they would like to gain new knowledge and information. Only individuals have written that they would like to know specifically about such concepts as "Coach" and "Interactive teaching methods."

Tests applied to identify the level of knowledge of participants, consisted of questions on basic training units. In particular, they consisted of such questions as "What kind of training do you know?", "What do you mean by interactive teaching methods?", "What kind of interactive teaching methods do you know?" and such kind of similar questions.

During the training, participants were divided into six small groups who have chosen a variety of topics of concern young people, such as HLS Prevention HIV/AIDS, conflict and tolerance, radicalism and terrorism, and others. On these topics, participants prepared presentations and interactive methods of training sessions conducted.

After the training a test was conducted on the assessment of knowledge, in particular the progress seen in the growth of the numbers of correct answers to questions such tests as "What are the distinguishes between the verbal communication and the non-verbal?", "What is a" facilitation "?", "What kind of interactive teaching methods you know? "and" What is the difference between open questions from close questions? ". The extent of growth of correct answers to these questions has the best performance (Questions 5, 6, 7 and 8), as was initially equal to almost zero. On other questions (questions 1, 2, 3 and 4) are also on the rise mastering the material.

From the data it can be concluded that, in general, on training and on individual participants, trainings on "training for trainers" have benefited the participants. Analysis of the test showed that although the level of initial ownership and further development of the material in each case differs, however, the progress observed in all cases. It remains only to hope that the acquired knowledge and skills will be used in practice in the course of the workshops in the field and they will pass on the principle of equal - equal.

The training came to an end by thanking the participants and exchange contact details for further communication and, if necessary, assists in the development of the material.

Handouts that were provided at the end of the training, which contain more detailed information on the training, as well as additional information for independent study regarding the use of tools of interactive teaching methods for further authorization.

Subsequently, will select 400 young people from the B. Gafurov district and Isfara city and held various seminars (workshops) and debate tournaments among these young people.

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