20 may 2020

COVID-19, which affected almost all areas of life

COVID-19, which affected almost all areas of life, did not pass by law enforcement officers. Police officers are on guard of law and order. In these difficult days, they, alongside with our valiant doctors, are in the frontline to resist in spreading coronavirus, risking their lives and health. After all, the work of police officers depends on being in regular contact with other people.
We can talk about doctors endlessly ... That's who we admire with, whom we trust today and on whom people's lives depend on.
The public organization “Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia of Tajikistan” also contributed to the fight against coronavirus, supporting police officers and doctors.
On May 19th, personal protective equipments were transferred to the medical staff of two hospitals: Sughd Regional Hospital and the city hospital of Khujand, as well as 6 structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In total, 8 institutions received an assistance:
- Sughd Regional Central Hospital;
- City Hospital of Khujand;
- Office of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Sughd region;
- Department of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan in Buston;
- DIA in Khujand;
- DIA in Istaravshan;
- DIA in Isfara;
- DIA in Bobojon Gafurov district.
In total, the following personal protective equipments were handed over to these institutions: protective suits - 236 pcs, respirators - 496 pcs (№95 brand); antiseptics -144 pcs (1 liter), protective glasses -136 pcs, sterile medical gloves - 816 pcs, chlorine -21 kg.
This assistance was provided by the Public Organization “Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia of Tajikistan” in cooperation and support of the representative office of the international organization “SAFERWORLD” in Tajikistan within the framework of the project “Support to Police Reform of the Republic of Tajikistan, oriented to cooperation of Police with the Public” funded by the INL Department of the US Embassy in Tajikistan.

Other news

5 sep 2017

Саҳми ҷавонон дар ҷомеаи шаҳрвандӣ афзун мегардад

Дар ҷамоати Хистеварзи ноҳияи Бобоҷон Ғафуров барои гурӯҳи тамосии ҷавонони минтақаи мазкур, сессияҳои хурд оид ба "Таҳаммулпазирӣ" доир гардид. Чорабинӣ дар доираи лоиҳаи "Тақвияти ҳамкории ҷавонон дар ноҳияҳои наздисарҳадии Тоҷикистону Қирғизистон" бо дастгирии Барномаи Рушди СММ Тоҷикистон бо роҳандозии Ассотсиатсияи зиёиёни илмӣ-техникии Тоҷикистон баргузор шуд.

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