16 aug 2010

Seminars for Public Analysts

On July 6, 2010, July 20, 2010 and July 22-23, 2010 trainings on “Key measures of PRS for 2010-2012 years and Basic methods of poverty assessment” were conducted for Public Analysts of 18 partner organizations, united in Support Group working on poverty reduction in different regions of the Republic of Tajikistan. 

The aim of the training:

- Increasing Public analysts’ knowledge on key measures of PRS for 2010-2012 and teaching of basic methods for poverty assessment.

For effective and qualitative assessment of life quality of the selected focus families instruction on how to fill forms was conducted.

The participants were active and interested in receiving new information and acquire new skills. This training facilitated for exchange of experiences of Public Analysts on conduction of questionnaire and focus groups in selected 420 focus families in the regions.

Currently, within the project research on the impact of poverty reduction strategy on the level and quality of life of the country is conducted.

Other news

5 apr 2017

Exhibition of drawings

Within the framework of the project “Peace and cooperation begins with us”, on April 5, 2017, another exhibition was held at school No. 29 of Surkh jamoat.

23 feb 2011

Regional meeting on youth program development

In the framework of the project “Mainstreaming Youth Policies Against Radicalism” PO ASTI held a “Regional Meeting on Youth Programme Development”. The project is funded by the European Union, under the "European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights" (EIDHR).

Regions of Activity