25 nov 2021

We call on everyone - do not be indifferent

Lately, more and more often people ask the question “Why, when the whole world is vigorously discussing the problem of violence and is actively fighting this phenomenon, the number of cases of violence, on the contrary, is steadily growing? But in past times, there were only a few such cases ...”Specialists in the field of gender law and sexual-gender-based violence explain that violence has always existed, but this topic was under an implicit ban. It was taboo. But now the world is open to admitting its problems, mistakes and imperfections. The era of people who are more aware of their rights has come. This means that they are not afraid to openly declare violence and fight against such a gross and cruel violation of human rights.
And every year, almost the entire Earth, from November 25 to December 10, dresses up in orange, symbolizing the active fight against violence against women and girls. The public organization "Association of Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia" (NGO "ANTI"), on the basis of which the Women's Resource Center for providing legal and psychological assistance to victims of violence operates, joins the world community and declares its readiness to continue the fight against violence and strive to eliminate this phenomenon hated by all mankind.
We call on everyone - do not be indifferent, because this misfortune can affect any of us! And violence is a disaster! The disaster for the whole society! And we can overcome it only together!
Well, are you with us?

Other news

12 oct 2021

The status of women in society

“It is not enough to talk about the greatness of a woman and her status in society many times and over the years. Because a woman is a goddess in whose shells the most precious pearls of mankind are made and perfected. The greatest of the urafa and ulama, leaders and personalities, whose strength and power are embodied in the world, were born of a woman and raised in her womb, ”said the staff of the PO “ASTI ". The seminar was held on October 12, 2021 in the secondary school №36, Isfisor jamoat, Bobojon Gafurov district on the topic "The status of women in society." The purpose of this seminar is to raise awareness of youth and adolescents about the role of women in modern life. During the workshop, project facilitators conducted interactive group work and games with participants. Participants actively participated and learned and discussed the role of women in today's society, women-mothers, women's education. This event is held by PO "ASTI" in the framework of the project "Women's Resource Center" with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Dushanbe. #poastiandosce

1 jan 2020

Продвижение качественного, инклюзивного образования для всех на протяжении всей жизни

С января 2020 года Общественная организация «Ассоциация научно – технической интеллигенции Таджикистана» при финансовой поддержке Оксфам Ибис и при технической поддержке Азиатско-Южно Тихоокеанской Ассоциации за основное и взрослое образование (ASPABAE) начала реализацию проекта «Продвижение качественного, инклюзивного образования для всех на протяжении всей жизни».

Regions of Activity